Saturday, March 5, 2011

The wars of the future will be decided in SPACE!!!!!!


The United States is testing a SECRET ROBOTIC SPACE PLANE. the Air Force has refused to talk about the space plane's exact mission while in space; it also hasn't released budget details.

First of all, GO US!

There are two likely reasons for this SPACE PLANE to exist:

1. It's just a newer version of the space shuttle and and all the details are being kept quiet because that's what you do when you design and perfect new technologies.
2. This is an important step in the United States ultimate plan to militarize space.

Now, onto the possible implications of this SPACE PLANE!

Since about 1967, all of the major world powers have been committed to NOT militarizing space in any way. (besides Reagan wanting to get the star wars project off the ground in the early 80's.) In the good old days of the Cold War, it was just the United States and The Soviet Union who cared to meddle about in the empty blackness of space. They kept each other in balance by mutually assuring that they could annihilate each other if either one of them got out of hand. But in recent years, nuclear capable nations such as China and India have been getting into the game, possibly signaling a return to the classic space race of yesteryear.

The whole point of NOT militarizing space is because whoever jumps on top of it first will have a supreme advantage over every other nation on earth. Plus, it would most likely turn out badly for EVERYONE. Even the most mildly advanced countries on Earth utilize satellites in some way or another. If wars were to break out in space, the first casualties would most likely be the intricate satellite networks that we all rely on to do, well, everything.

I am willing to bet that the pentagon is just salivating at the concept of getting weapons into space. Sure we can be optimistic in the hope that it's just a more advanced space shuttle designed to assist in the expansion of our scientific knowledge to further benefit all mankind...  but then why would the U.S. Air Force have taken over the project instead of leaving it in NASA's publicly transparent hands?

It's a catch 22. If we throw caution to the wind and militarize space, then we risk the world's satellite network. It could even trigger another cold war or start a few all out conflicts between nuclear capable nations and beyond. But on the flip side of the coin, there is always the outlook that if WE don't, then someone else will. Can the United States really risk waking up one morning to newspaper articles about the new Chinese Death Ray orbiting about New York?

What do you think? Should we keep the weapons out of space or should be prepping for Armageddon?

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