Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In yet another needless show of omnipotence, God busted out the old "he works in mysterious ways" move and pretty much wiped Joplin Missouri off the map earlier this week. But my contention isn't with the the almighty this time, oh no. My current beef is with the United States Government.

THIS is the particular headline that sent me into full on berzerker rage:

Someone tell me why we can spend countless billions to help other countries, finance wars that the people aren't in favor of, fund bullshit we don't need, but we can't help citizens of this country on our own soil when a natural disaster happens. Why the hell hasn't President Obama brought about any of the "CHANGE" that was promised? Guantanamo bay closing? End of a military presence in Iraq? De-escalation of our activities in Afghanistan? I think that all these things would certainly be a step in the right direction when it comes to NOT BANKRUPTING OUR COUNTRY!!!!!

The worst part is that it's easy to blame Obama because he is the ass hole in office. But the truth is that the former ass hole in office was just another type of fuck up, and I'm sure who ever comes next will be just another variation of retarded. WE as a people need to stand up and say "NO MORE!" We want someone in office who is actually instituting the will of the people and not that of "the party" or special interests in general.

 FUCK Republicans and FUCK Democrats. The two great parties of the United States are a joke. You have lead us into a whole that we may never recover from. My advice is that you start paying closer attention to the revolutions that are happening all over the Muslim world. I think we are closer to the western version than you would like to think.

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